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Georgian Speaker Refutes Moscow’s Bio-Warfare Allegations

Georgian Parliament Speaker Shalva Papuashvili today refuted Russia’s bio-warfare allegations against the Tbilisi-based Lugar Center for Public Health Research.

Speaking with reporters, Speaker Papuashvili said the Center is “transparent and there are no question marks in this regard.”

He recalled that such an allegation from Moscow is not either “the first or new.”

“We now see what sort of global situation we are in,” the Georgian Dream lawmaker said, referring to Russia’s war against Ukraine, adding that parties in the hostilities “have corresponding information policies.” 

He acknowledged heightened security risks in Georgia in light of the Russian aggression in Ukraine, and stressed the importance for all sides, including the opposition to “consolidate around the government.”

“The task of the Georgian government is to maintain both peace and composure in this country,” the Speaker added. 

In recent days, Russian Defense and Foreign Ministries have intensely pushed allegations about the existence of U.S. “bio-labs” in Georgia and Ukraine.

The U.S. Department of State said in response yesterday that “Russia, not the United States, has a long and well-documented track record of using chemical weapons, including in attempted assassinations and poisoning of Putin’s political enemies like Alexey Navalny.”

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