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International Community Commemorates April 9 Victims Massacred by Soviet Troops

Today, Georgia marks the 35th anniversary of the brutal suppression of pro-independence protests in Tbilisi by the Soviet army on 9 April 1989, which left 21 dead and hundreds injured by poison gas used by Soviet troops and beatings with sappers’ spades. Most of the victims were women.

In 1991, on the same day, following the defeat of the Communist Party by the pro-independence coalition in the polls in 1990, and the subsequent referendum on independence in March 1991, the Georgian parliament announced the restoration of Georgia’s independence. has collected statements from international partners on the anniversary of April 9.

EU Delegation in Georgia: “Georgia paid a high price on 9 April 1989 while being liberated from the Soviet rule. Many Georgians sacrificed their lives for independence. On this day, we honor this legacy and pay respect to the lives lost for Georgia’s freedom.”

US Embassy in Georgia: “On April 9, we remember the 21 people who were killed and hundreds injured by the hands of the Soviet army while demanding freedom through a peaceful demonstration. We will honor the memory of those who did not live to see the freedom and independence for which they gave their lives. On days like these, we feel most strongly why our common, highest American and Georgian values bind us so closely: independence, freedom, and democracy.”

British Embassy in Georgia: “On this day, we remember and honour all those who fought the Soviet Union for Georgia’s independence, sovereignty and prosperity 35 years ago. We stand with the people of Georgia for a Georgia that stands strong, free and sovereign.”

French Embassy in Georgia: “France stands by Georgia and the Georgian people on this Day of National Unity, which marks the restoration of independence proclaimed in 1918 and the tragic and bloody repression of anti-Soviet demonstrators in 1989. France supports Georgia’s sovereignty and integrity. It stands by the Georgians in the realization of their democratic and European aspirations.”

Ukrainian Embassy in Georgia: “April 9 is a date that has become a symbol of freedom that began with tragedy and sacrifice in Georgia’s modern history. On April 9, 1989, troops of the former Soviet Union crushed peaceful Georgian demonstrations for freedom and liberty. Two years later, Georgia regained its independence. 35 years later, on this Day of National Unity, we remember all those who gave their lives for a free and independent Georgia. We support the brave people of Georgia who have chosen the pro-European path and the course towards NATO.”

Peter Fischer, Ambassador of Germany to Georgia: “Today we commemorate the Georgians who fought and suffered for freedom, democracy and independence. It happened half a year before the fall of the Berlin Wall. So you fought …like we did in Germany. Freedom, democracy, and independence are ongoing commitments for us all.”

Gabrielius Landsbergis, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania: “On the Day of National Unity of Georgia, we honor the courage and sacrifice of those who stood up against the soviet terror in 1989 and restored Georgian independence in 1991. Today, Lithuania firmly supports Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

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