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Georgians Offer Free Accommodation, Services to Stranded Ukrainians

Hundreds of Georgian citizens as well as hospitality industry have self-organized to offer free accommodation to Ukrainian citizens stranded in Georgia amid Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

A Facebook group “Glory to Ukraine – Support from Georgia,” dedicated to the cause, has gathered over 8 000 members in some five hours.

“I could host two people in Tbilisi and about 10 persons in Guria [western Georgian region] in a two-floor house,” wrote Facebook user Ira Melimonadze in the group.

One of the hospitality businesses posted “only standing to side by side and solidarity strengthens us!,” announcing their offer to Ukrainians to stay in their hotels free of charge.

Others, unable to receive guests, have launched donations campaign to finance rent costs for Ukrainian tourists, while those with cars offered free transportation services.

The campaign to offer free housing to Ukrainians has been ongoing also in “Spend 4 Seasons in Georgia,” a 350,000-strong group on Facebook created in June 2019, in reaction to Vladimir Putin’s Georgia flight ban over anti-occupation protests in Tbilisi.


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