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Georgia Calls on Russia to Reverse Abkhazia, Tskhinvali Recognition 

The Georgian Foreign Ministry said in its August 7 statement on the 13th anniversary of the Russo-Georgian War that it was just Georgia where Russia tested the ground for its aggressive policy of infringement upon the territorial integrity of sovereign countries 13 years ago that posed a serious threat to European and Trans-Atlantic security and undermined the rules-based international order.

The Georgian Foreign Ministry noted that 13 years later, in January 2021, the European Court of Human Rights delivered a verdict on Russia’s invasion of Georgia and ruled that Russia exercises effective control over the two occupied regions – Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region/South Ossetia and that Russia is responsible for the breach of a number of provisions and articles of the European Convention of Human Rights during and after the August 2008 war.

Despite this verdict, the Ministry continued, Russia continues occupation and militarization in Georgia’s occupied regions, illegal military exercises on the Georgian soil, reinforcement of the occupation lines with barbed wires and obstructs the return of internally displaced persons to their homes.

The Georgian Foreign Ministry also noted that the human rights situation is aggravating in the occupied regions on a daily basis, including by restrictions on free movement and discrimination of ethnic Georgians living in Abkhazia’s Gali and Akhalgori district in Tskhinvali region.

Despite the challenges, the Ministry said, Georgia is steadily continuing its policy of peaceful conflict resolution and transformation aimed at de-occupation of the two regions and safe and dignified return of IDPs; as well as reconciliation and confidence building between the divided populations.

“We are ready for a broad dialogue to determine our common future with Abkhaz and Ossetian peoples and ensure peaceful cohabitation based on common interests in a modern, European, democratic state that will be attractive for the Abkhaz and Ossetian societies and where their rights and freedoms will be equally protected,” the Foreign Ministry said.

The Georgian Foreign Ministry called on Russia to fulfill the August 12, 2008 ceasefire agreement, to withdraw its troops from Georgia, to reverse its decision on recognition of the occupied territories and not to obstruct the work of international security mechanisms on the ground.

The Ministry called on the international community to take effort in the process of de-occupation of Georgian regions and return of IDPs, to promote peace and security in Georgia and Eastern European region as well as appropriately estimate Russia’s continued aggressive policy in the wider Black Sea region.

See our August 2008 War recap here.


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