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Georgia Denounces Resumed ‘Borderization’ Near Atotsi, Nikozi

The Georgian State Security Service reported on September 14 that Russian occupation forces have resumed “borderization” process at the two locations of the South Ossetian occupation line near the village Atotsi of  Kareli Municipality and the village of Nikozi of Gori Municipality, south to the occupied town of Tskhinvali.

The SSG slammed the “border” marking activities as yet another “dangerous and extremely destructive action” by the occupation forces.

The State Security Service said it activated the EUMM-managed hotline and informed the European Union Monitoring Mission, as well as the Co-Chairs of Geneva International Discussions. The SSG said Georgian authorities will raise the issues at Engneti IPRM and the next round of GID.

Earlier, on September 12, SSG reported about the resumption of the “borderization” process led by Russian occupation forces adjacent to the Khurvaleti village near Tskhinvali occupation line, a few hundred meters away from the major East-West highway.


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