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Former UNM Members Unveil Political Plans, Change Party Name

Former members of the United National Movement, who split from the party and are now using the previously nominal European Georgia party as their new political platform, unveiled future political plans at their presentation on January 30.

“Today, together with you, together with the society, we are taking one more step on the road, which will lead to the establishment of a new, strong, political center,” Davit Bakradze, who spoke first at the presentation, stated.

Bakradze explained that the European Georgia would be renamed to ‘the Movement for Freedom-European Georgia,’ which, in his words, “will be a real movement and not a [mere] political party, the movement, which will attract tens of thousands, the movement, which will create the sense of development [in the country].”

“Europe is Georgia’s final destination. Europe means dignified and decent life for our people. And this is what we offer; to stand together, move forward and build a European country, where every family will live well,” Bakradze said.

He also added that the party’s major objective will be to “show that there is an alternative in Georgia.” “We are not planning to be the second, the third, the fifth or the 25th political force. We are planning to be the only political force, which will manage to form a point of attraction and demonstrate to the population, that we are the political team, which will manage to take Georgia forward using its knowledge, professionalism, intellect, energy and enthusiasm.”

Bakradze also noted that the new movement will participate in October 2017 Municipal Elections, where it will obtain “serious result.” “We will travel to all districts, we will go everywhere, reach out to people and show that municipal elections have enormous significance,” Bakradze noted.

He also announced that the new political movement will have a party convention, tentatively scheduled for April.

Gigi Ugulava, who will serve as the party’s interim general secretary until the convention, stated that the party’s objective will be to “peacefully change” the government.

“Our movement is named as the Movement for Freedom, because for every Georgian, for every Georgian citizen, the word “freedom” is always the most valuable,” Ugulava said at the meeting.

Giga Bokeria, who also spoke at the presentation, stated that the new movement’s objective is to start changing “Ivanishvili’s regime” through municipal elections and then, “begin working for this country, with a strong team, the team which is constrained by constitution and is accountable before the people.”

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