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Kokoity Says People Queuing Up to Obtain S.Ossetian Passports

South Ossetian leader Eduard Kokoity said that the process of issuing the unrecognized republic?s passports will be over in two months, RIA Novosti news agency reported on August 30.

?There are long queues of those willing to obtain South Ossetian passports? we really did not expect such development, but I think two months will be enough to accomplish the process,? Kokoity said.

He said that the South Ossetian passport will be ?an internal document? for the breakaway region?s residents, but talks are underway with Russian officials to make the passport valid on the Russian Federation?s territory as well.

He also said that the passports are being issued among Ossetian refugees currently living in Russia?s North Ossetian Republic.

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