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The Liberty Institute presents its new book on Freedom of Expression

A two-volume new book titled Freedom of Expression was published by the Liberty Institute.  Levan Ramishvili, Tamar Kintsurashvili, Maia Okruashvili and other members of the institute are the authors of this book.
Prospective and working journalists, judges and lawyers are the main audience for this book. The publication covers rulings and their analysis made by Georgian courts in the field of the freedom of expression over the last eight years. This book is a concerted attempt to establish the first database of such cases in Georgia.

The fist volume of publication covers case law of European Court of Human Rights and US case law. The second volume discusses Georgian legal practice and comments on the new Law on Freedom of Speech and Expression.

The newly published works will be distributed first to regions, and than to the capital. In April the presentation of this book was held in Adjara, at the department of journalism at Batumi State University.

 “I think that journalists in Tbilisi who work in media are far more passive. Whereas in the regions there are examples of how journalists have had to fight for the freedom of speech. I mean recent events in Adjara TV, where journalists demonstrated their solidarity” says Tamar Kintsurashvili.

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