Georgian newspapers publish only “anomaly” to invoke an interest in readers
David Gogichaishvili, One of the representatives of contemporary Georgian show business, showman of a popular TV program. Previously popular DJ among teenagers (Radio 105). Has an excellent sense of humor, has created number of song-parodies. In 2001 won Edmund Muscie scholarship to conduct his master’s studies in the USA in the field of media management.
Date of Birth: December 23, 1975
1. 1992 – 1997 – Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Economics, Major in Finances and Banking
2. 1997 – 2001 – Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Languages and Literature, English Language
3. 1995 – 2000 Tbilisi Independent University “Adjara”, Faculty of Journalism
Present Job: Showman, Program “Million Joys on Octagon”, TV Company “1st Channel”
Civil Georgia (CG): How would you evaluate Georgian show business?
David Gogichaishvili (DG): It is very hard to evaluate Georgian show business, because mostly nonprofessionals are being engaged in this sphere, as well as in others too. This means, that people, who have been occupied by other business but never did succeed, decided to try themselves in showbiz. There is no general strategy or marketing planning in Georgian showbiz. Everything is on amateur level here, and I could not spot any kind of professionalism anywhere so far.
CG: How probable is to succeed in such situation and what is necessary for this?
DG: Exactly in such situation it is very probable to succeed. It is much easier to show your talents and abilities among nonprofessionals and this helps to be successful.
CG: How would you evaluate the functioning of the mass media sector in Georgia?
DG: My evaluation would be negative. Lets look to newspapers for example: I am a young man interested in politics (in Georgian politics firstly) but I do not read the newspapers. And this is newspapers’ fault. It is hard to read the newspapers, which publish only “anomaly” to invoke an interest in readers. Of course, Georgian newspapers do so due to the level of readers too. For instance, in these newspapers you might find an article such as “Fortuneteller says that we will reclaim Abkhazia”.
At the same time, the newspapers do not have money to hire gifted people. Therefore, the articles are uninteresting. In Georgian press there is no borderline between the facts and thoughts of the author of the article and you can easily guess whose supporter is the author and what he likes or what he does not. Owner of the newspaper does not have enough money and he is frequently being disturbed by tax inspection and other controlling organs and therefore he cannot pay to his journalist a good salary. So it means, that really gifted persons would not work at the newspaper, despite that it’s a very interesting job. However, there are some young people, like you at “Civil Georgia” who manage to do something to push journalism in Georgia ahead. There is a terrible situation in radio too. Radios in Georgia differ from each other only by their frequency and phone numbers. Radio 105 is a bit different, because it simply laughs at everything.
CG: Along with financial and legislative problems, disgrace of our journalist also might be caused by the Georgian way of management and thinking. Nobody tries to give to journalists a normal salary and working conditions. What would you say about this?
DG: You are right. Usually Georgian would not to try developing something by himself. Would not do anything to have a stable and growing income. The society facilitates such attitude. We should start moving to change something and exactly that’s why I am going to the United States to study (laughter).
CG: What are your plans after completion of MA studies?
DG: The program that I will undergo prepares the specialist of “Media Management” and is aimed to the developing countries. People, who completes this program are supposed to facilitate to reforms in the media sphere after their return to their countries. It is impossible to learn this in Georgia, because there are no teachers for this. That’s why the study abroad is most optimal way.
CG: How would you use your knowledge in the future?
DG: First of all I have to acquire this knowledge and then we shall see… Basically I wish this sector to exist in Georgia as it does in America. I wish there would be if not many, at least several organizations of professional journalists, and TV, radio or newspaper journalists, accredited to these organizations would be the best representatives of their colleagues and vice versa. This means, that the system must have certain form of “trade”
CG: All right. Now let us turn to politics. To whom among our politicians would you have more “faith”?
DG: I have voted for George Targamadze. He is a young and talented person. He too, by the way, studied journalism. I also like some representatives of younger team, including the ruling party. Mikheil Saakashvili for example. He has many qualities of a politician. He can talk; he can oppose others’ arguments. Saakashvili studied by the same program that I am going to attend now.