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NATO Secretary General Special Representative for Women Peace and Security Visits Georgia

The NATO Secretary General Special Representative on Women, Peace and Security Irene Fellin is on a visit in Georgia. Within the frames of her visit to Georgia took part in the Second Annual Tbilisi Women’s International Conference 2023, where she participated in a panel discussion, and met with Georgian officials.

As part of her visit the NATO Special Representative met with the State Minister for Reconciliation and Civil Equality Tea Akhvlediani. According to the State Minister Office’s press release the sides “discussed a wide range of issues, including the state policy of reconciliation and engagement with the occupied Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region of Georgia, as well as the priorities of the peace initiatives, the results achieved to date and the existing challenges, the situation in the occupied regions. and the dire legal and humanitarian situation of the population affected by the conflict.”

The importance of increasing the role of women in the peace process was one of the discussion topics. The State Minister thanked Irene Felin for her strong support for Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within internationally recognized borders, as well as for Georgia’s peace efforts. “It is generally recognized that during armed conflicts and taking into account the impact of their consequences, women are an exceptionally vulnerable group, but at the same time, their role in the context of conflict prevention and peaceful conflict resolution is extremely important, which we have declared a priority to support within our policy” –  said Tea Akhvlediani.

Additionally, a joint meeting of Iren Fellin and Thea Akhvlediani was held with the representatives of non-governmental organizations, members of two platforms operating under the Office of the State Minister – the Expert Advisory Council and the Women’s Advisory Platform. 

During the meeting, representatives of the civil society had the opportunity to discuss a number of current issues with the high-ranking guest and the state minister, including the current situation related to security and human rights in the occupied territories of Georgia and the needs of the population affected by the conflict; to present the main directions of their activity; to share their vision regarding the strengthening of the role of women in the peace process. 

As part of the working visit, Iren Fellin, together with Thea Akhvlediani, also visited the occupation line in the village of Odzisi. The NATO representative got acquainted with the created security situation on the spot and received detailed information from the representatives of the State Security Service of Georgia regarding the illegal actions of the Russian occupying forces in the occupied Tskhinvali region.

The NATO Special Representative also met with the members of the Permanent Parliamentary Council for Gender Equality and the Defense and Security Committee.

According to the information released by the Parliament, the meeting focused on Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations and relations with NATO. NATO Special Representative commenting on the meeting noted that the conversation touched upon the issue of the adoption of the National Plan on Women, Peace and Security by Georgia.  

The Chair of the Gender Equality Council, Nino Tsilosani, said the parties discussed the importance of women’s involvement in peace and security issues, the need for parliamentary oversight, and the identification of challenges that exist in these areas, as well as meeting the needs of IDP women.

Irene Fellin, as part of her visit, also presented NATO’s policy on women, peace, and security issues to representatives of the defense and security sector.

Commenting on the event the Special Representative said she was glad to have the opportunity to address the MoD and security sector representatives and “to have an opportunity to explain to them NATO’s work on advancing WPS agenda and human security agenda within the alliance and in our cooperative security with or partners.” She stressed: “Georgia is an important partner for the Alliance, and we share the values of promoting the women, peace and security agenda.”


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