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Non-governmental Organizations Address Olivér Várhelyi

In an open letter to the European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi, 15 non-governmental organizations welcome the European Commission’s decision to prepare an interim assessment of Georgia’s implementation of the 12 priorities for candidate status in the spring and call for the assessment to be made “public and accessible to stakeholders, including the country’s civil society”.

“The publicity of the European Commission’s interim assessment will ensure the transparency of the process, allow for the active participation of civil society in it, and contribute significantly to the effective monitoring of the implementation of the priorities,” say the CSOs in a letter dated 23 March.

Noting that the involvement of civil society in the decision-making process at all levels is one of the 12 priorities on the European Commission’s list for Georgia, NGOs stress that Georgia “has a strong civil society that plays a very important role in the country’s European integration process”.

“Our main objective is to facilitate Georgia’s accession to the European Union and, accordingly, to obtain the status of candidate country for the European Union. “Civil society is actively monitoring the implementation by the government of the 12 recommendations,” the letter reads.

The signatories of the letter include Transparency International-Georgia, Young Lawyers Association of Georgia, Open Society Foundation, Social Justice Centre and Democratic Initiative of Georgia.

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