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Hospitalized Aslan Bzhania’s Supporters Demand Resignation of Acting Abkhaz Leader

Hundreds of supporters of Aslan Bzhania, one of the three hopefuls running for Moscow-backed Abkhazia’s leadership, stormed ‘presidential administration’ office in Sokhumi on March 3, demanding the resignation of acting leader Valery Bganba, local media Apsny Press reported

Some of Bzhania’s supporters believe that the key opposition leader was poisoned again to prevent him from participation in the repeat ‘polls’ of March 22. Bzhania, the Soviet KGB school graduate, was Abkhaz leadership hopeful and the main rival of then incumbent leader, ex-KGB officer Raul Khajimba during the 2019 race as well, however, he had to drop out as he was then poisoned with heavy metals.

Meanwhile, Russian media reported on Tuesday afternoon that Bzhania, who was hospitalized in Russia yesterday, came out of coma. 

Bzhania, 56, was hospitalized on March 2 in Sochi, while he was on the way from Moscow to Sokhumi. He was eventually transferred to the hospital in Krasnodar, Russia’s regional capital some 300 kilometers north to Sochi. 

On March 2, soon after Abkhaz leadership hopeful’s hospitalization, Bzhania’s team member Leonid Lakerbaia announced about temporary suspension of his campaign activities, adding that no polls will be held without Aslan Bzhania’s participation. 

Badri Gunba, Bzhania’s ‘vice-presidential’ running mate, who accompanied the latter during his recent Moscow trip, addressed supporters after returning to Sokhumi yesterday, saying that they would not make any further steps for now, and wait for the updates about Bzhania’s health. 

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