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Doctor’s Team Under the PD: Saakashvili Health Slowly Deteriorating

The group of doctors under the Ombudsman of Georgia issued a conclusion regarding the state of health of the third President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili, saying that Saakashvili’s health shows slow dynamics towards the deterioration. The doctors based their conclusion on the documents received from the Vivamedi clinic.

According to the Ombudsman’s Office the experts group concludes that “the patient’s neurological status is practically unchanged and is in line with the assessment of the previous records of the group of doctors invited by the Public Defender – cognitive deficit, ataxia, hypoesthesia, diffuse loss of strength are still present”

The conclusion reads that “microcytic anemia is expressed, which deepens and is managed by the clinic with infusions of blood and its products… The group of experts believes that such data against the background of elevated ferritin and normal iron are indicative of a chronic disease (in this case, protein deficiency malnutrition – starvation)”.

According to the medical team “the electrolyte imbalance is also an expression of nutritional deficiency.” They also note that since the last report after July 14, 2023, a decrease in white blood cells (leukopenia) has been observed.

The conclusion notes that attending physicians assess the patient’s condition as stable, of moderate severity (with only one record (31.05.2023) indicating that the condition remains severe).

The doctors’ group concludes that “overall, a gradual, slow dynamic of deterioration is maintained, which unfortunately makes perfect sense in the context of the group’s current findings.”

As for the management of Saakashvili’s health condition in the clinic, according to the assessment, the group of doctors of the Public Defender has no special remarks in this regard.

The group of doctors to monitor the medical services rendered to the former President was set up by the former Public Defender, Nino Lomjaria, within the scope of her mandate. According to the information of the Office of the Public Defender, the group of doctors continues to visit the patient at intervals of two to four months, and more often in the case of emergency.  The next visit of the medical team to Mikheil Saakashvili is scheduled for September. Notably, the group was not and is not involved in the process of the patient’s treatment.

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