EU Transfers GEL 60 million to Georgia in Support of Key Reforms

The European Union has granted EUR 20.87 million (approximately GEL 60 million) of non-reimbursable aid to Georgia in support of reforms ongoing in several sectors, including economic and business development, skills development and labor market reform, regional development, agriculture, rural development and food safety.

Most budget support for Georgia is part of broader support to specific sectors and is combined with complementary support that would further stimulate the reforms, for example grants and technical help for rural citizens under the European Neighborhood Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development( ENPARD) or for small regional business under the EU’s regional development programme.

The Delegation of the European Union to Georgia announced on February 9 that after assessing the reforms implementation in each sector, the EU has drawn the following conclusions:

Budget support is an instrument for the EU’s cooperation with partner countries. It involves direct financial transfers to the state budget of the partner country. It is performance related – it is only disbursed when agreed conditions for results are met. The EU’s budget support depends on continuous satisfactory track record of implementing macroeconomic policies, public financial management and budget transparency.

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