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Georgian Dream Grabs 91 of 150 Parliamentary Mandates

Marking its third consecutive victory in parliamentary elections, GD is set to take 91 mandates in the 150-member parliament, taking 61 out of the total 120 seats in the proportional vote and all 30 seats allocated through the majoritarian system.

GD candidates were outright winners in the first round of October 31 parliamentary elections in 13 remaining single-mandate constituencies, while in November 21 runoffs, that were boycotted by the opposition, candidates from the ruling party won all 17 races.

Once convened, the Parliament will vote in the new cabinet. GD will be able to form a single-party government, with incumbent Prime Minister Giorgi Gakharia largely expected to head the government.

But as things stand, all of the opposition parties that passed the 1% threshold are refusing to enter the new parliament. Rejecting the outcome of “rigged” October 31 parliamentary elections, they are demanding snap polls, the resignation of CEC chair Tamar Zhvania and the release of alleged political prisoners.

To end the political impasse, the ruling and opposition parties held two rounds of talks earlier in November, facilitated by the U.S. and EU Ambassadors, albeit with no success. The parties are expected to meet for the third round of negotiations in the nearest future.

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