Whoever’s the Parliamentary Chairman Is, He Has the Victory
The Resonance; The Dilis Gazeti
Fight for the political dominance is actually on nowadays. According to the Resonance, supporters of each Zhvania and Shevardnadze are equal in the Parliament. But none of the sides have sufficient number of 118 MPs for making decisions.
Candidatures on the position of Parliamentary Chairman will be discussed tomorrow. “Naturally there will be a huge battle over the post for many things depend on who will take over it”, the Resonance says. It presumes that the elected Chairman will determine to which political group the victory will be left and who will sustain further political dominance in the government.
The Resonance does not exclude that a representative of Adjara Autonomous Republic might become head of the Parliament. This might have been the topic of beyond the closed doors meeting between Shevardnadze and leader of Adjara Aslan Abashidze. While talking to the journalists the President did not specify what exactly he spoke with Abashidze about but said: “Aslan and I will sit down and think about how to arrange the country”, the paper reports.
The Resonance presumes that in case Aslan Abashidze will be suggested on the Prime Minister, the President will not let a Revival representative become the Parliamentary Chairman. “According to experts, Shevardnadze will never allow the dominance of the Revival in both governmental branches”.
By the way, after the meeting with the Georgian President Aslan Abashidze neglected his conviction and decided to visit Tbilisi. According to the paper’s source, the duet of Shevardnadze and Abashidze named candidates on the positions of Parliamentary Chairman and several ministers.
The Dilis Gazeti points at the fact that members of the political block Revival who have always criticized the President were expressing their devotion to Shevardnadze visiting Adjara. Their behavior was caused by the fact that all important positions are vacant.
The President stated two days ago that he would have a bigger majority in the Parliament than he used to. He has not admitted yet who are considered as his new supporters but it can be said that the Revival, the New Right Wings, part of independent MPs, those having left the Citizens’ Union, the Socialists and also the groups who will be offered some profit will be regarded as the new majority in the Parliament, the Dilis Gazeti presumes. It will be much more difficult for the President to defend his interests in this mixed conglomerate that he could in the Citizens’ Union, the paper says.