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Georgian Officials Congratulate Emmanuel Macron on Election Victory

Georgian officials joined world leaders in congratulating Emmanuel Macron on his victory in the French presidential election runoff on May 7.

“Congratulations to Emmanuel Macron and France. Looking forward to cooperate and further deepen relations between our countries,” Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili wrote in his late night twitter post.

President Giorgi Margvelashvili took to Twitter as well, writing: “Congratulations to the President-elect Emmanuel Macron. This is the choice in support of strong France and Europe.”

Margvelashvili issued a short congratulatory statement on his web-site as well.

“With today’s choice, the French people confirmed its special trust towards you and its aspirations to well-being and further development,” the statement said.

“This is a choice in support of strong France and strong Europe, which is particularly important for the future of our common European family. France represents one of the symbols and pillars of democracy in a world full of difficulties and challenges and I believe that your presidency will further highlight and strengthen this important and honorable mission,” Margvelashvili wrote.

“Historical-cultural ties between our peoples goes back to centuries, which ensures cooperation between our countries and contributes to the participation of our military personnel in the Central African Republic,” the President went on.

“We strengthen each other and therefore, strengthen international peace and security. France is a strategic partner for Georgia and a staunch supporter of our European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations. This year, we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and I am sure that your presidency will strengthen our cooperation even further,” Margvelashvili wrote.


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