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GD Unveils Draft of Agreement on Foreign Policy Priorities

Georgian Dream (GD) coalition has released draft of 14-point document on foreign policy, which the parliamentary majority offers as a basis for a potential joint document with the UNM which would lay out joint vision of major political groups on country’s foreign policy priorities.

The proposal by GD to the UNM to work on a joint document on the foreign policy was first made in January which was then followed by UNM’s proposal to make pro-Western foreign policy course constitutionally guaranteed. PM Bidzina Ivanishvili said in a statement on February 10 that reflecting Georgian people’s “historic European choice” in the preamble of the constitution might become part of broader constitutional amendments.

Below is an unofficial translation of the draft, titled Agreement of the Georgian Parliamentary Factions on Foreign Policy:

“The Georgian parliamentary factions,

Being guided by the constitution of Georgia, legislation, international agreements, regulations of the Parliament of Georgia;

Confirming the priority of ensuring the national security;

Expressing aspiration to foster establishment of Georgia’s reputation in the international relations as a reliable partner having predictable foreign policy;

Considering that the state strategy, established on the basis of close cooperation and multilateral consultations, is essential for pursuing effective policy in the sphere of foreign relations;

The Georgian parliamentary factions agree to have the joint approaches on certain issues, in particular: 
  1. The course of Georgia’s foreign relations should be based on the principle of balance between national interests and international commitments;
  2. The key task of the state governance system the protection of country’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders;
  3. Integration into European and Euro-Atlantic structures, joining the European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization represent country’s foreign policy priority. Unconditional establishment of democratic values and principles of the international law represent the major precondition for successful implementation of this strategic course;
  4. Georgia fully shares the commitment in combating those challenges, which the world is facing. Participation in international efforts, particularly, contribution to military operations, should be considered as one of the major components for protection of the national interests;
  5. Strengthening of democratic institutions will contribute to the development of foreign-economic relations and increase of foreign direct investments, as well as to the neutralization of internal political tensions and successful process of full-scale conflict resolution;
  6. All the conditions should be ensured in the shortest possible time, which will allow Georgia to successfully complete the negotiations with the European Union on Association Agreement, to develop cooperation within the European Neighborhood Policy and Eastern Partnership in four basic areas: democracy and human rights, economic integration and approximation with EU legislation, protection of environment and energy security, people-to-people relations;
  7. Georgia’s policy should not be directed towards performing a role of a strategic player in the process of ongoing confrontation on a global and regional scale. Georgia should be politically attractive by its peacekeeping nature;
  8. Georgia carries out its relations with the United States, the key ally of Georgia, under the terms and conditions defined by the Strategic Partnership Charter;
  9. It is in the interests of Georgia that its factor to no longer be in the list of differences between the West and Russia. Georgia should be ready to launch a dialogue with Russia with the use of international mechanisms, which will aim at developing the strategy for gradual overcoming the existing crisis, the country’s de-occupation and protection of its sovereignty;
  10. Development of relationships with the people of North Caucasus will be based on historic experience and traditions of good neighborly and close cultural cooperation, which should not be used for deepening the confrontation with Russia;
  11. With the balanced regional policy Georgia should acquire the function of unifier of Caucasian interests, the promoter of economic cooperation and political negotiations. It is important to deepen economic and political relations with neighboring Azerbaijan, Turkey and Armenia. Georgia should turn into the platform of implementation of political, economic and public relations, as well as business opportunities for these countries;
  12. Considering the geopolitical location favorable for trans-national projects, it should become Georgia’s foreign policy priority to expand economic relations with the Caspian region and Central Asian countries;
  13. Georgia should significantly invigorate multilateral diplomatic relations within the frames of the United Nations, OSCE, Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation and GUAM;
  14. To solve the tasks facing the country on the international arena, Georgia will fully employ the best representatives of all generations of professional diplomats. In addition, the country’s academic and expert resources will be utilized as much as possible; the system of training of qualified diplomatic corps will be created.”

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