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Candidates Pass Abkhaz Language Exam

All three candidates running for the breakaway Abkhazia’s presidency in August 26 election have passed exam in the Abkhaz language, Abkhaz news agency, Apsnipress, reported on July 20.

A candidate willing to run for presidency should be fluent in the Abkhaz language, according to the breakaway region’s election code.

Acting president of the breakaway region Alexander Ankvab; PM Sergey Shamba and former vice president Raul Khajimba were interviewed by a seven-member commission of Abkhaz linguists.

Alexander Ankvab wanted to run in the 2004 presidential election, but was not registered as a candidate after he refused to pass exam in the Abkhaz language; another reason was his failure to meet residency requirements; he subsequently backed in those elections Sergey Bagapsh.

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