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Imedi TV: Most Voters Want Saakashvili for Third Term

In its main, evening news bulletin on Monday, Imedi TV station reported, that six years after Mikheil Saakashvili was first elected as the President “60% of respondents is in favor of Saakashvili’s third term in office.”

“Six years full of dramatic events should have been enough to damage a popular rating of any leader, but as any international and credible political survey, conducted in Georgia, shows Saakashvili’s rating is better positioned now than in recent several years,” the TV report said.

Among other public opinion surveys, the report by Imedi TV also cited a survey commissioned by the U.S. National Democratic Institute (NDI).

“The most significant question for us was asked by NDI, when respondents were asked whom they wanted to see as National Movement’s presidential candidate in the next presidential elections. 60% of voters again named Mikheil Saakashvili as the ruling party’s favorite candidate,” the TV report said.

NDI Tbilisi office has declined to comment, citing its current policy of not commenting on media leaks related to its commissioned public opinion surveys.

The surveys commissioned by NDI are not public and are only made available for the political parties.

But according to NDI Tbilisi office it intends to change this approach and plans to itself publicly present results of future public opinion surveys.


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