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MIA: Java and Roki Tunnel are Next Targets

Georgian forces killed 60 Russian troopers and destroyed 40 battle tanks in a fierce fight in Tskhinvali and now the Georgian government troops are in full control of the South Ossetian capital attempting to advance further into north, the Interior Ministry has claimed.

After taking over the strategic heights and villages surrounding Tskhinvali and the capital itself on August 8, the Interior Ministry spokesman Shota Utiashvili said, Russian troops backed with combat tanks carried out an attack which was repelled.

“After that Russia has sent its paratroopers, but the attack was again repelled and about 60 troopers have been killed,” Utiashvili said.

He also said that 45 Georgian servicemen and 37 Georgian civilians were killed on August 9. Unofficial reports say civilian and military deaths these days were likely to be more 100.

With Tskhinvali and surrounded areas under the Georgian control, he said, the troops were advancing further having “next target” the town of Java and the Roki Tunnel on high mountainous border with Russia.

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