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Tbilisi Accuses Moscow of Provoking Tensions in S.Ossetia

Georgian State Minister for Conflict Resolution Issues Merab Antadze accused Russia of triggering ?destabilization? in Georgia through inciting armed confrontation in the South Ossetian conflict zone.

?The Russian political leadership is planning serious destabilization in Georgia and the stirring up of armed hostilities,? he said at a news conference on September 4.

He said that a September 3 incident when the Georgian army helicopters were fired on ?is a confirmation? of Moscow?s intentions.

Antadze also said the Georgian side will try as much as possible not to yield to these provocations.

He denounced the South Ossetian side?s allegations that the Georgian helicopter ?violated South Ossetia?s airspace.?

?Georgia?s airspace has never been fragmented and no authorization or permit is needed for Georgia to conduct flights [over South Ossetia],? Antadze said.

Russian chief negotiator for South Ossetian conflict issues Yuri Popov said on September 4 that flights over the South Ossetian conflict zone are banned, citing a 2002 agreement signed by the quadripartite Joint Control Commission (JCC).

Ambassador Roy Reeve, Head of OSCE Mission in Georgia, also said that no flights should be conducted in the conflict zone according to the agreement. However, he also condemned the shooting at the aircraft.

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