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South Ossetia – EC’s Completed and Ongoing Projects

Sourse: EC’s Delegation in Tbilisi 

1. Economic Rehabilitation Programme in the zone of the Georgian-Ossetian Conflict, Phase (7.5m Euros, ongoing since 1998 to date)
Since 1998 the EC has been funding economic rehabilitation programmes in South Ossetia with the first objective to support the efforts of the Georgian Government to settle the Georgian-Ossetian conflict. The EC rehabilitation programmes in South Ossetia, with a total EC allocation to date of 7,5 million Euros, promote the improvement of the living conditions of the local and returning population and re-start of economic activity in the region as an essential instrument in creating the necessary preconditions for settlement of the peace process .

1a -First Phase EC Rehabilitation programme (3.5 Euros, implemented 1998-2001)
The first phase of the EC Rehabilitation programme included the following projects:

Rehabilitation of drinkable water supply network (Edisi pipe, Dsomach pipe, Tskhinvali chlorination station);
Rehabilitation of schools in Java, Kheiti and Tamarasheni;
Rehabilitation of the Kekhvi Dam (irrigation) ;
Rehabilitation of the electricity network in Tskhinvali region;
Rehabilitation of e stablishment of three cooperatives for agriculture.
1b -Second Phase EC Rehabilitation programme (1.5 Euros, implemented 2001-2002)
The first phase of the EC Rehabilitation programme included projects on the r ehabilitation of transport and energy infrastructure :

Rehabilitation of the railway link Gori – Tskhinvali;
Rehabilitation of the railway station in Tskhinvali;
Rehabilitation of the gas network within Tskhinvali;
Rehabilitation of the electricity network in Tskhinvali region (Vardnilhesi power station);
1c – Third Phase EC Rehabilitation Programme (2.5m Euros, 27 months, ongoing until March 2006)
The third the EC funded rehabilitation programme is managed by the OSCE and implemented by UNDP and UNHCR. This programme consists of three components:

Rehabilitation of basic infrastructures in support to the resident communities (with involvement of UNDP in the implementation). These include the following projects:
– Gas distribution network in Tskhinvali (70,000 Euros);
– Water distribution network in Tskhinvali (80,000 Euros);
– Supply and installation of electricity meters and transformers in Tskhinvali (80,000 Euros);
– Local waste management project (EUR 87,000 Euros);
– Water pump in Kemerti (35,000 Euro Euros);
– Edisi-Tskhinvali water pipe (60,000 Euros);
– Connection of Avnevi and Tamarasheni-Kekhvi to gas distribution network (180,000 Euros);
– Completion of the Edisi-2 hydropower plant (510,000 Euros);
– Completion of previous EC funded school renovation projects (62.900 Euros);
Rehabilitation of basic infrastructures to complement the shelter assistance foreseen in the first part (with involvement of both UNDP and UNHCR in the implementation) Basic shelter assistance
and repatriation kits to returnees and internally displaced persons (with involvement of UNHCR in the implementation)

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