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Q&A with Nana Karseladze

Public Relations Coordinator of the Center for Strategic Researches and

Today much is spoken about the relations between the non-governmental
organizations and business sector. This issue is rather actual in Georgia, since
the first steps are being taken in this direction.

In this regard we have interviewed Nana Karseladze, public relations
coordinator of the Center for Strategic Researches and Development, who is
actively involved in this problem. 

Is it necessary to establish cooperation between business and
non-governmental sector?

Up to present, both the non-governmental organizations and business sector
tried to create sound environment in the country independently from each other.

Despite these attempts, a great deal of unsolved problems still exists in the
country. We think that these problems can be settled by common efforts of
business sector and the non-governmental organizations. The cooperation will be
profitable for the both sides. The leading NGOs consider that it is time to take
first steps towards launching a constructive dialogue with business

What kind of results such cooperation may have?

Currently the environment in the country is unstable in terms of business
development and the sector falls under constant pressure from the authorities.
It hampers the development of both national business and generally, the country.

We often witness that business is fighting to protect its own rights, to lift
restrictions and barriers, however the result is less sensible. At the same
time, the third sector has accumulated solid experience to influence the
effective formulation and implementation of the government-backed reforms
through sound criticism and protection of their interests. Just therefore, the
non-governmental organizations think that by joint efforts business and
non-governmental organizations would manage to effectively settle the existing

In the developed countries, strong business companies acknowledged their own
social responsibility to the society. Therefore, they integrate social
partnership system in their business development strategy and invite public
organizations to implement joint social programs and projects. I think, similar
experience should be planted in Georgia as well, where partner relations between
business and the third sector are just developing.

What can you say about international practice in this

The worldwide analytical researches have shown that the third side is
considered as an important factor in correct planning and implementing the
social responsibilities. The non-governmental organizations represent effective
partners of the companies for development and introduction of new approaches of
public relations. The technologies offered by the NGOs to the companies enable
them to receive maximal results with minimum expenses at solving social issues.
Just therefore, as I have already mentioned, in foreign countries business
companies are actively cooperating with civil society organizations and this
cooperation is useful for the both sides.

What do the NGOs and business representatives think about
inter-sectoral cooperation?

The representatives of both business sector and civil society organizations
acknowledge their civil responsibility to the society and express a desire to
enhance cooperation.

Can you give an example of cooperation between business and
non-governmental sector?

Georgian business spends much money on charitable and social projects,
however these measures mostly have single/campaign character.

What particular measures has the Center for Strategic Researches and
Development implemented?

Within the frames of the Civil Advocacy Program, the Center implemented a
communication campaign with business representatives. With the purpose of
effective implementation of the campaign, the key issues, which are rather
actual for entrepreneurs, were discussed with the representatives of business

The representatives of medium and business were interrogated to reveal most
actual problems. The following measures were implemented on a basis of the
revealed problems: working meetings, conferences, press-conferences, TV debates,
various recommendations were developed and a memorandum on mutual cooperation
was signed.  

What do you think about future prospects of cooperation between NGOs
and business sector?

A theme of cooperation between business representatives and the third sector
is new in Georgia. However, particular preconditions already exist for
successful development of this cooperation. It is very important that the
charitable activities implemented by business sector has a program and systemic

It is necessary to introduce the principles and practice of cooperation
between business and civil society organizations in Georgia to promote active
development of both business sector and NGOs. This is additional weapon for
effective communication with the society, as well as an important precondition
for the country’s stable and sustainable development.


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