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Bagapsh Pledges Commitment to Power-Sharing Agreement

President of breakaway Abkhazia said on February 28 that he is following all the commitments undertaken by the power-sharing agreement signed with his former rival and now Abkhaz Vice-President Raul Khajimba, Regnum news agency reported.

Last week Vice President Raul Khajimba accused Bagapsh of violating the power-sharing agreement, as the President turned down several candidates proposed by the Vice-President for several key positions in the new cabinet. According to the power-sharing agreement the Vice-President should be in charge of defense, security and foreign policy issues.

?We should put an end to the split in society, which has persisted since the [last October] presidential elections [between the supporters of Bagapsh and Khajimba],? Sergey Bagapsh said.

He also said that the new cabinet ?is almost formed,? adding that several positions remain vacant.

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