Russia Resumes Rail Link, Lifts Trade Sanctions from Abkhazia
The rail travel between the Russian Black Sea town of Sochi and breakaway Abkhazian capital Sokhumi was resumed on December 9, according to the Russian news agency Itar-Tass.
The railway connection between Moscow and Sokhumi will resume functioning on December 10.
Itar-Tass also reported that Russia has lifted restrictions on imports of agricultural products from Abkhazia as well.
Russia?s decision follows a powersharing agreement between former presidential rivals Sergey Bagapsh and Raul Khajimba, which marked the end of a two-month election crisis in the unrecognized republic.
Russia, which supported pro-governmental presidential contender Raul Khajimba, imposed sanctions on Abkhazia by halting its railway link with Abkhazia and banned the import of agricultural products from Abkhazia in an attempt to mount pressure on opposition leader Sergey Bagapsh.