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Abkhaz Outgoing President Insists on Re-Vote

The Press Office of the Abkhaz de facto President Vladislav Ardzinba issued an appeal to Abkhaz people on November 11, in which the outgoing President insists on holding repeat presidential elections in the breakaway region. 

?The October [presidential] elections failed to reveal the real will of voters and triggered a threat of civil confrontation. Under such conditions, I, as acting Head of State, had to sign a decree over the holding of repeat elections in the Republic of Abkhazia,? the appeal reads.
The de facto President stressed that the authorities would do their utmost to prevent any threat of civil confrontation and hold re-vote.  
?Only repeat elections conducted without any pressure on the voters and authorities will help the country overcome the current crisis. I pin our hopes on the presidential candidates and will shake hands with that candidate who wins the elections,? the de facto President added.

According to the October 29 order of the outgoing President, the repeat elections should be held within two months. But opposition candidate Sergey Bagapsh, who claims a victory in October 3 presidential elections, plans to be inaugurated as the President of the breakaway region on December 6.

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