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Opposition MPs Stage Walkout, as Election Amendments Approved

A small group of opposition MPs walked out of a parliamentary session on November 11 to demonstrate against new amendments to the election code, which set up new rules for composing electoral commissions, which were approved by the Parliament on November 11.

The Georgian Parliament approved the amendments to the election code in its first hearing with 120 votes. The amendments envisage banning political party activists from composing the Central Election Commission (CEC).
The Rightist Opposition, Republicans, and members of the newly set up Conservative Party did not participate in the vote, since the parliamentary majority did not take into account the opposition?s demand to postpone the discussions of the draft law, citing the necessity for public discussions first.
The opposition claimed that the new rules of setting up electoral commissions envisage the appointment of the entire election administration by the authorities.
According to the amendments, the CEC Chairman will be appointed by the President, while the other six members of the CEC will be selected on a competitive basis from a list of 18 nominees. The President will submit a shortlist of 12 of the 18 nominees to the Parliament. Afterwards, the Parliament will endorse six members of the commission. The Central Election Commission will appoint the chairmen of the district commissions, while the district commissions will appoint the chairmen of the precincts.
According to the MPs from the parliamentary majority, they are ready to compromise during the second and third hearing of the proposal.

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