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Zhvania Expects no Breakthrough in South Ossetia Talks

Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania, who will meet with South Ossetian leader Eduard Kokoev on November 5 in the Russian town of Sochi, said that he anticipates ?no breakthrough? from these talks.

?I intend to push several issues during the talks. The most important is the demilitarization of the conflict zone. It is also very important to secure free movement in the area; in particular, the Georgian population should have the possibility to get to their villages via Tskhinvali [the South Ossetian capital]. Economic issues will also be put on the agenda, such as the railway connection issue,? Zurab Zhvania told reporters on November 4.

?We should achieve resolution of the conflict on the basis of the solutions to these issues,? the Georgian Prime Minister added.

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