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OSCE Welcomes Adoption of Ethics Code by Georgian MPs

On October 12 the Georgian parliamentarians signed a Code of Conduct which outlines principles and ethical norms to govern the behavior of the MPs. The document was developed with the assistance of the OSCE in cooperation with the non-governmental organization Transparency International.

The Head of the OSCE Mission to Georgia Ambassador Roy Reeve hailed the Georgian Parliament’s adoption of its new Code of Conduct as another step towards strengthened democratic values and public accountability, reads a press release issued by the OSCE Mission to Georgia.

“I recognize the Parliament’s wish to enhance its organizational capacity and transparency,” said Ambassador Roy Reeve, Head of the OSCE Mission.

In confirming future work with the Parliament on reform initiatives, Ambassador Reeve said that the OSCE Mission and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly ?will organize in 2005 a visit of experts, who will work with their Georgian partners and identify the nature of the technical assistance needed to implement further reform.”

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