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After Firing the Cabinet Shevardnadze Names Four New Candidates Only

The Resonance; The Dilis Gazeti

(Georgian press digest. Civil Georgia. 16.11.01) – President Shevardnadze proposed final list of candidates of Ministers to the Parliament four hours before the deadline yesterday. The supreme legislative branch should confirm the candidates next week.

“It may be said that the President disappointed the population patiently waiting for reforms in the country”, the Resonance says. The paper is unsatisfied about the candidatures proposed by the President and says that there are only four new candidates among the proposed ones. The rest are former ministers fired by the President on November 1.

“The Parliament will not approve the President’s favorable candidates”, the Resonance says. According to the paper’s information, in it is said the legislative branch lobbies that the President is positive the Parliament will never approve the candidates but he proposed them anyway for realizing his duty, for actually pleasing them.

Member of the faction Citizens’ Union Niko Lekishvili presumes that the Parliament would not worry much about who will become ministers at this stage for it needs to be more concerned about the matter of Cabinet of Ministers right now (the Akhali Taoba).

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