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Georgia’s President Says Gov’t Refused her Visits in Europe

In her parliamentary address, President Salome Zurabishvili has confirmed rumors that the government kept restricting her international working visits amid unfolding crisis in the region.

“On February 26, 2022, I was refused in writing to make working visits to Paris, Brussels, Berlin and Warsaw,” President Zurabishvili said.

“I believe such an approach and restrictions is damaging for our country, located in such difficult region.”

The President said she was then forced to resort to personal connections to visit leaders in Paris and Brussels.

“On the contrary, we should all do our best on international level, be fully engaged and give no rest to our partners,” the President continued.

The French-born career diplomat also said: “my 40-years-long experience in diplomacy and strategic issues, contacts gained in this process should be fully exhausted for the benefit of the country.”

President Zurabishvili stressed two issues – the application for the EU membership and the support for Ukraine — compels the authorities to act in unity.

“My visit to Europe convinced me there is a new, real chance for the EU membership, a real readiness from our partners,” she continued, “in this situation, … with my personal meetings or interviews with international media I tried my best to give Georgia its place in these processes.”

“So that there was no place for temptation Georgia to be forgotten or considered in a different way than Ukraine or Moldova.”

Georgian Dream party chair, MP Irakli Kobakhidze retorted: “If what the President said is true [about paying visits without agreeing with the government] and most likely, she told the truth, then she has violated the Constitution. We will find it out.


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