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GD MPs Mull Saakashvili’s Civilian Clinic Transfer

Several MPs of the ruling Georgian Dream party are mulling the transfer of hunger-striking ex-President Mikheil Saakashvili from the Gldani prison clinic to a civilian hospital, after the inmate temporarily lost consciousness on November 18.

The lawmakers’ statements mark the change of the weeks-long uncompromising stance of the Georgian Dream officials, who vehemently refused to transfer Saakashvili to a civilian hospital over fears of his supporters storming the facility.

Parliament Vice-Speaker Davit Sergeenko, former longtime Health Minister of the GD Government, said in the early hours of November 18 after meeting the Gldani penitentiary clinic personnel that doctors would draw up a diagnostic plan for Saakashvili.

He said the plan would be devised following consultations with five physicians, including a neurologist and gastroenterologist. If there won’t be a possibility to provide the services in the prison clinic, Saakashvili will be transferred where it can be, highlighted MP Sergeenko.

Later in the day, the senior lawmaker said he believes Saakashvili should be transferred elsewhere. Sergeenko noted he awaits the doctors’ diagnostic plan to be available as soon as possible.

MP Dimitri Khundadze, Chair of the parliamentary Healthcare and Social Issues Committee, who also visited the Gldani prison clinic after Saakashvili lost consciousness, asserted that Saakashvili’s condition is “not catastrophic but requires attention.”

“Our recommendation and the view we take will only stem from the needs of his health,” reassured MP Khundadze, adding “be it [regarding] services provided on the spot or a transfer, if necessary.”

MP Irakli Kadagishvili argued today the authorities are “most interested” in protecting Saakashvili’s health and life, adding a decision whether to transfer him to a civic clinic will be made by a joint conclusion of the penitentiary and doctors.

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