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President Zurabishvili Attends the Ukraine Peace Summit in Switzerland, Meets with Volodymyr Zelenskyy

President of Georgia, Salome Zurabishvili, is attending the Summit for Peace in Ukraine in Switzerland on June 15 and 16. During the Summit, she has already met with her Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Polish President Andrzej Duda, Moldovan President Maia Sandu, and Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, as well as EU High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell and European Council President Charles Michel.

Delegations from 100 countries, including 57 heads of state and government from around the world, are attending the Summit to discuss how to bring peace to war-torn Ukraine.

President’s Speech

During the Peace Summit, President Salome Zurabishvili discussed Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, stressing that Ukrainians are fighting not only for the freedom and territorial integrity of their own country, but also “for the freedom and security of Europe…and the ideals of democracy and for sustaining, maintaining of restoring the rule of law.”

Saying that Georgia “can only share the plight of the Ukrainian people that we have experienced in turn”, President Zurabishvili stressed: “Before Bucha, there was Abkhazia…before the war against Ukraine, there was a war against Georgia…before the occupation of territories in Ukraine, there was the occupation of territories in Georgia.” She added: “My country can only share the concern for the human devastation that Ukraine is living though.”

The President also said in her speech that Georgia can also only share the concerns about the instability and confrontation that Russia is bringing to the Black Sea, emphasizing Russia’s militarization of the Black Sea and mentioning Russia’s plan to open a permanent naval base in Ochamchire, occupied Abkhazia. She added concerns about nuclear safety, which she reiterated Georgia can only share.

“For all these reasons, we can only share the conviction that this war against Ukraine to cease and has to give way to peace in Ukraine and peace in Europe,” President said, adding that this will happen “when Russia realizes that it has borders like any other states and that it has neighbors as any other state.”

Meeting with the President of Ukraine

On June 15, President Salome Zurabishvili met with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. It was the first official high-level meeting between Georgia and Ukraine since Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

President Zurabishvili congratulated President Zelenskyy on the opening of EU negotiations and reiterated Georgia’s full support and solidarity with Ukraine. “The President expressed great hope that Georgia and Ukraine will soon resume the EU integration path together,” said the official press release of the President’s Administration.

The Georgian President emphasized during the meeting that the place of Georgia and Ukraine is in Europe. “Peace in Georgia, Ukraine and in the region in general is necessary and important for its future development,” the press release said.

During the meeting President Salome Zurabishvili raised the issue of the Georgian prisoner Mamuka Gatserelia. The President of Ukraine expressed his readiness to work on this issue.

“Georgia and Ukraine belong to Europe,” President Zurabishvili tweeted after the meeting.

“During the Global Peace Summit, I met with Georgia’s President Salome Zurabishvili. We discussed bilateral cooperation and security challenges facing our countries. I informed President Zourabichvili about Russian air terror against Ukraine’s energy sector. Our country is making every effort to restore energy generation. I thank Georgian President for her support and participation in the Peacr Summit, which is very important for us. We are together. I am confident that the day will come when Ukraine and Georgia will be part of the European Union — together and forever,” Ukrainian President tweeted after the meeting.

Meeting with the President of Poland

On June 15, President of Georgia also met with the President of Poland, Andrzej Duda.

“The presidents spoke about the ongoing process in the country and the importance of the parliamentary elections in Georgia in the fall,” reads the official press release from the President’s Administration.

According to the Georgian President, “the future elections will be a test of democracy of great importance for the country.” She also noted that the majority of the people of Georgia supports and defend Georgia’s European path.

The Georgian President also emphasized that the EU member states should not take such measures and decisions that would harm the people of Georgia and the country as a whole.

For his part, the President of Poland expressed his full support for Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic integration path, noting that “Georgia’s place is in Europe” and that he supports the will of the Georgian people and the country’s European integration.

The Presidents also discussed the processes in Ukraine, the importance of peace and expressed their support for Ukraine.

“Thank you for your steadfast support, Mr. President Andrzej Duda. Discussed current developments and the October elections crucial for Georgian democracy. Emphasized the Georgian people’s unwavering commitment to EU aspirations, a vital consideration for EU decision-making!” Salome Zurabishvili tweeted after the meeting.

“The main topics of the conversation included support for Ukraine, Georgia’s European aspirations in the context of the recently-passed laws, and the upcoming elections in October,” reads the tweet of the official X channel of Andrzej Duda.

Meeting with the President of Moldova

On June 15, President Zurabishvili also met with her Moldovan counterpart, Maia Sandu.

The Georgian President congratulated the Moldovan President on the start of negotiations for EU membership and expressed the hope that Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine will soon move forward together on the European path.

“In Burgenstock, I also met President Salome Zurabishvili of of Georgia to reaffirm our support for the Georgian people’s pursuit of democracy and their EU aspirations. Standing with Georgia as they strive for a brighter, democratic future,” President Maia Sandu tweeted.

Meeting with HR/VP Josep Borrell

President Salome Zurabishvili also met with the EU High Representative Josep Borrell.

During the meeting, the Georgian President discussed the country’s EU integration process and noted that the October elections will once again demonstrate Georgia’s steadfast commitment to European values.

The sides also discussed the “Georgian Charter”, a roadmap initiated by President Zurabishvili to resolve the political crises and return Georgia to the EU path.

“Insightful exchange with Josep Borrell at the Ukraine Peace Summit, especially timely with Georgia at a critical juncture. Our conversation centered on Georgia’s European integration. I am confident that October’s elections will show, once more, our steadfast dedication to European values…I talked about the Georgian Charter , which aligns with EU recommendations, serving as a roadmap for Georgia,” President Zurabishvili tweeted after the meeting.

“Good exchange about Georgia’s European future with President Salome Zurabishvili ahead of next Foreign Affairs Council. The EU stands by Georgian people’s choice of a democratic country on the EU path,” HR/VP Borrell tweeted.

Meeting with the President of the European Council

The Georgian President then met with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel.

The sides discussed the political landscape of Georgia and the steps towards securing Georgia’s European future. President Zurabishvili also discussed the Georgian Charter at the meeting.

Meeting with the Prime Minister of Estonia

On June 16, President Salome Zurabishvili met with Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas.

Discussions focused on the current political developments in Georgia and the country’s European aspirations. The Georgian President thanked the Estonian Prime Minister for Estonia’s steadfast support and friendship for the Georgian people.

“Takes about Georgia’s European future with President Salome Zurabishvili at the Ukraine Peace Summit. Estonia stands with the people of Georgia and supports their clear wish to be part of Europe,” PM Kaja Kallas tweeted after the meeting.

NOTE: This news story was updated at 11:07 p.m. on June 15 to include the President’s speech at the summit.


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