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Georgian Dream Presents Candidate for Senaki Local Council By-elections

Ruling Georgian Dream party Irakli Kobakhidze presented Zaza Kurashvili as the ruling party’s candidate for the by-elections scheduled in October in the Senaki Local Council (Sakrebulo) for one vacant seat representing the villages of Teklati and Chaladidi.

MP Kobakhidze stated on 1 September that “Mr. Kurashvili is a loyal and active member of our party, who enjoys high authority in his community.” “We are sure that he will definitely win the elections, after which he will represent the interest of both villages in the Senaki Council,” MP Kobakhidze added.

The ruling party chairperson emphasized that following the by-elections, Georgian Dream “will form a solid majority in the Senaki Municipality, thus ending almost a year-long sabotage that the United National Movement and its satellite party – For Georgia were carrying out in tandem against the interests of the municipality’s population.”

The GD MP concluded by urging the residents of Teklati and Chaladidi to support the ruling party’s candidate.

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