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CoE Keeps Urging Russia to Pay Georgian Deportation Victims

Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers has said it will continue to supervise the execution of judgments, including that of Georgia v. Russia (I), underlining that Russia is required to implement them despite quitting as the CoE member.

In the interim resolution, adopted on June 10, firmly reiterated its insistence on Russia’s unconditional obligation to pay the just satisfaction awarded by the Court to 1,500 Georgian nationals.

The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled in January 2019 that Russia has to pay EUR 10 million in compensation for damages related to the mass deportation of Georgian nationals – a group of at least 1,500 – from Russia in 2006. The deadline for payment expired on April 30, 2019.

The Committee exhorted the Russian authorities to pay the just satisfaction, together with the default interest accrued, without any further delay.

It regretted that “based on the limited information available, it is not possible to draw any conclusions that a similar unlawful administrative practice may not be implemented in the future, and this particularly in the absence of the payment of the just satisfaction or any timeframe for the same set out in the action report.”

The Committee invited authorities of the member states to explore all possible means to ensure the execution of the present case.

 The CoE body said it will resume consideration of the case at its 1443rd meeting in September 2022.

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