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U.S. Embassy on Georgia’s Municipal Elections

“The Embassy of the United States congratulates the government and people of Georgia on yesterday’s well-administered local elections, which were held in a largely peaceful environment and respected fundamental freedoms,” the United States Embassy in Georgia said in its statement on October 22.

“We concur with the OSCE’s preliminary report, which noted positively that the candidates could campaign freely and that freedoms of assembly and expression were generally respected,” reads the statement. “We also share OSCE’s view that the predominant position of the ruling party underscores its responsibility to ensure that the opportunities of other contestants are not limited.”

“The OSCE also noted reports of intimidation of voters and misuse of administrative resources,” the Embassy also said, adding that it “urges” the Government of Georgia “to quickly and transparently investigate all electoral complaints.”

“The United States looks forward to continuing our common agenda to advance Georgia’s political and economic development and its aspirations to integrate into Euro-Atlantic institutions and reiterates our steadfast support for Georgia’s territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders,” the Embassy concluded.

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