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Khaindrava: S.Ossetia Turned into ‘Military Facility’

Georgian State Minister for Conflict Resolution Issues Giorgi Khaindrava said on June 2 that Russia will hardly pull out its extra troops from the South Ossetian conflict zone in the near future.

Georgia claims that there are over 1000 Russian servicemen in the conflict zone which is twice more than envisaged by the agreements. But Russia denies accusations saying that it has rotated its troops in the conflict zone.

Khaindrava said at a news conference on June 2 that the Georgian government wants Russian peacekeepers to withdrawal from the conflict zone.

He said that the breakaway South Ossetia has turned into “a military facilities” where apart of the Russian servicemen about 6 000 militias are operating.

He once again strongly dismissed Russia’s allegations that Georgia wants to use force to regain control over the breakaway region.

“Only a crazy can think of using force against the background of current militarization of the region,” Khaindrava said.

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