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Press-Statement by Georgia’s UN Envoy

by H.E. Mr. Revaz Adamia
Permanent Representative of Georgia to the United Nations
New York, 28 March 2006

Thank you for coming,

I have called this press-conference in connection to the Security Council meeting on Abkhazia, Georgia. As you are probably aware, a closed consultation of the Council where the report of the Secretary-General on the issue is discussed / has just finished right next door. Formal resolution will be adopted on 30th of March.

Now I would like to inform you that in the wake of this discussion I, as a Permanent Representative of Georgia – that is, of a country on the territory of which the conflict under discussion takes place – requested the Security Council to call a private meeting and invite us to attend and give a possibility to make a statement. The rationale has been that the members of the Security Council should be interested in the position of the Government of Georgia, especially in the light of recent developments in the conflict resolution process.

Unfortunately, the Security Council preferred to conduct so-called “closed consultations”, without attendance of not only general public and media, but also the Georgian representatives. Here I should emphasize that this is a procedural matter and no member of the Council has a right to veto a decision. Usually, when somebody in the Council opposes this or that procedural matter, how to proceed very much depends on a President of the Council. Before addressing the essence of the problem I’d like, through a public media, to ask the distinguished Representative of Argentina, who holds Presidency during this month – how would they like if they were refused to attend a meeting on Falkland Islands during a conflict time, or even after? By the way, this is not the first time when the Security Council has chosen such a non-transparent way of discussing the conflict in my country. What is the matter? Or, what is the reason for such a non-transparency?

May be the reason is a lack of progress in the conflict-resolution process. But I would argue the opposite – there is no progress in conflict-resolution exactly because there is no transparency in the process.

What is behind of such a tendency? The answer for this is very clear – position of the Russian Federation. It is not the first time that the Russian Federation is blocking Georgian representative to speak at the Council meeting. Why? Is Georgian Ambassador so dangerous for Russia? What Georgian Ambassador can say that the Russian delegation does not like so much?

Once more, that is the truth – truth about the situation in Abkhazia.

And the truth is that despite officially declaring support to the territorial integrity of Georgia, Russia still backs the secessionist regime there.

Truth is that by providing Russian citizenship, interfering unceremoniously and dictating its conditions, sending envoys without consulting with the Georgian authorities, illegally acquiring property and land by its physical and legal entities, Russia steps on the path of annexation of Abkhazia. Now by introducing the concept of “Universality of Kosovo Model”, Russia tries to legalize this ongoing de facto annexation.

Truth is that Russian military schools still prepare military personnel for the separatist regime. Unprecedented militarization of Abkhazia is underway. During recent months six large-scale military exercises and manoeuvres took place in Abkhazia. Having in mind very limited resources at Abkhaz’s disposal, it is clear to everybody who is providing expertise, weapons, ammunition, etc. to secessionists for those activities. Indeed, that is Russia again.  

Truth is that CIS (Russian) PKF is covering Abkhaz paramilitaries when they threaten, abduct or, even, kill Georgian population, just because they are Georgians: people, who are victims of ethnic cleansing and are deprived of their basic right – right to live in their homes.

Truth is that restoration of territorial integrity of Georgia became only just an abusing commitment for Russian authorities.

In this situation one can not expect that the Abkhaz leaders will take a constructive position on peace negotiations ahead. That’s why we witness statements from their side claiming full independence, associated membership in the Russian Federation and inadmissibility of return of refugees and IDPs.

President of Georgia has stated on numerous occasions that we are for peaceful solution of this conflict.

But any peaceful solution is a result of a two-way movement, if not of a multiplayer process, which requires clear, courageous and transparent decisions from everybody who intends to be involved. Once more, the Security Council shall not become an exclusive club of privileged nations. The decisions prepared and made by the Council, especially when they are so vital for nations, even more so for small nations, shall be transparent and clear to the international community.

Thank you.

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