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Iranian MPs Visit Georgia

A group of six Iranian lawmakers are visiting Georgia on July 29-August 3 to, as they put it, look into Georgia’s reforms that helped to ease doing business in the country.

The delegation members are from the Iranian parliament’s special commission on support of the national production and most of them are also members of the plan and budget parliamentary committee.

The delegation met on July 29 vice-speaker of the Georgian Parliament Gubaz Sanikidze, who also chairs Georgia-Iran parliamentary friendship group.
“We are interested in Georgia’s experience in ease of doing business,” said Iranian MP Hamid Reza Fouladgar, who leads the delegation.

He said that the delegation will also visit the Public Service Hall – one-stop shops where citizen can get multiple services from various state agencies under the single roof, as well as one of customs and border crossing points.
“We want to take a close look at those reforms, which have been carried out in this respect and we will take them into consideration,” the Iranian MP said. “We are interested in customs procedures, business registration procedures, as well as procedures related to obtaining identification documents.”

Georgian MP Gubaz Sanikidze said after the meeting that Iran nuclear deal reached in Vienna this month should help to boost economic cooperation between Georgia and Iran.

“I think that relations will intensify, especially after the Vienna agreement and I believe Georgia will benefit a lot from this,” MP Sanikidze said.

The delegation also plans meetings in the Georgian Economy Ministry, as well as with Iranian entrepreneurs, who have businesses in Georgia.

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