Georgian Defense Minister Heads to France to Sign Defense Contract
Georgia’s Defense Minister, Tina Khidasheli, left for France on Friday to sign another defense contract with unspecified “French company.”
She told journalists before departure that the new procurement “will add efficiency to the system we have already bought” through a separate contract with another company last month.
On June 15 the Georgian Defense Minister signed contract in Paris with ThalesRaytheonSystems, a producer of ground-based surveillance radars and air defense command and control systems.
Information is very scarce about both the last month’s and upcoming deals; neither values nor content of the contracts are reported by the officials, who are citing confidentiality of security related matters. Khidasheli said that the procurement would “guarantee country’s air defense.”
After signing contract with ThalesRaytheonSystems last month, Khidasheli said that she would return to Paris in few weeks to strike a new deal.
As the first contract was signed with the producer of surveillance radars, it is assumed that the second contract with another company might be on purchasing weaponry against air targets.
Khidasheli also said on Friday that after return from France she would be ready to report details of the procurement to the Group of Confidence – a team of five lawmakers in charge of parliamentary oversight on classified defense spending.