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Georgian State Minister Meets Spanish FM in Madrid

Georgian State Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration, Davit Bakradze, met Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel García-Margallo in Madrid on May 5 and discussed bilateral issues and Georgia’s European integration process.

Georgian state minister’s office said that focus was made on upcoming EU’s Eastern Partnership summit in Riga on May 21-22. It said that the Georgian state minister “stressed on importance of acknowledging and assessing positively at the summit Georgia’s progress in implementing reforms in frames of the Association Agreement and visa liberalisation action plan.”

The Riga summit and visa liberalisation with the EU were among the key issues discussed by Georgian ministers of interior and foreign affairs, when they met their German counterparts in Berlin on May 4-5; the issue is also high on the agenda of the Georgian justice minister’s meetings in Paris this week.

The Spanish Foreign Ministry said that Minister García-Margallo “expressed Spain’s support in the reform process being undertaken by Georgia.”

“As stated by García-Margallo, this summit serves to reiterate the commitment to eastern partners, with one of its priorities being to strengthen democratic institutions in the East,” the Spanish Foreign Ministry said.

On bilateral relations, the Spanish Foreign Ministry said, the two ministers noted need to “reinforce relations in those areas where there is clear potential for growth, as is the case of trade and investments.”

“In this regard, Spain foresees the appointment of a diplomatic officer in Tbilisi this coming summer,” the Spanish Foreign Ministry said.

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