Sokhumi Working on its Proposals to New Treaty with Russia
Abkhaz leader, Raul Khajimba, met breakaway region’s lawmakers on October 16 to discuss Russia-proposed draft treaty with Abkhazia on “alliance and integration.”
“Views of the Russian side and President Khajimba differ on number of clauses of the proposed document, and relevant agencies and the president’s administration have been instructed to develop the Abkhaz version of the treaty,” Khajimba’s office said.
It said that a working group will be established, which will include officials from government and the parliament, for the purpose of negotiating text of the treaty with Russia.
Khajimba also said that there are tight deadlines to prepare Abkhaz proposals because of “fast changing geopolitical situation.”
Meanwhile Amtsakhara, a political party which is in opposition to the new Abkhaz leader, said on October 16 that “no one can agree” with the proposed draft, because it contains clauses “seriously limiting… sovereignty and independence” of Abkhazia.
Speaker of the Abkhaz parliament, Valery Bganba, said on October 14 that the Abkhaz lawmakers’ reaction to the proposed text was “close to negative” as many of its clauses “are about loss of sovereignty.”