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EU Ambassador on Electoral Legislation

Philip Dimitrov, head of the EU delegation in Georgia, welcomed that some of the recommendations from the Venice Commission were reflected in the new electoral code and party funding legislation, but also said that some provisions may raise disputes and "thus give grounds for questioning the fairness of the elections."

“I think the good news is that the new elections code and the amendments to the law on the political alliances of citizens have managed to take on board a number of recommendations of the Venice Commission connected with the rights to take part in elections and to be elected, the place of women, the financing of parties, as well as some issues connected with election day,” Ambassador Dimitrov said in a brief comment to on December 30.

“At the same time, however, there are still some provisions, which in the course of their implementation may raise disputes and thus give grounds for questioning the fairness of the elections and this is not what Georgia needs,” he said.

“For this reason I believe that the government will try to maintain a dialogue with all players as well as with the civil society. After all it is the right of the opposition and the NGOs to be critical but it is the duty of the government to do its best to convince the people that the electoral process is fair and hence the institutions are legitimate,” the EU Ambassador added.

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