EU Commissioner for Enlargement Visits Georgia
Stefan Füle, the EU commissioner for enlargement and European neighborhood policy, is visiting Georgian on July 21-22 on the occasion of the eighth international conference Georgia’s European Way in Black Sea resort town of Batumi.
During the visit Füle will meet with President Saakashvili; Secretary of National Security Council Secretary Giga Bokeria; State Minister for Euro-Atlantic Integration Giorgi Baramidze; State Minister for Reintegration Eka Tkeshelashvili; Deputy Foreign Minister Tornike Gordadze, who is Georgia’s chief negotiator in Association Agreement talks with EU; as well as opposition and civil society representatives.
“The choice that Georgia has made to work towards integration with Europe is a source of pride and hope,” Füle wrote in his opinion piece ahead of visit to Georgia. “It is a source of pride because it is not an easy choice. It requires resolute reforms to take place now.”
“It is also a source of hope because no one can doubt that the benefits will be there. The choice of democracy and the rule of law, the choice of an open economy are the essential elements of stability and prosperity. Recent events in the Southern Mediterranean show us that these values are increasingly seen by citizens, wherever they live, as their own,” Füle wrote.