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‘Opposition Consults on Ways out of Crisis’ – Republicans

The Republican Party leader, Davit Usupashvili, said that his party was engaged in consultations with the nine-party opposition bloc “to find ways out of the crisis” that had deepened after, as he said, fraudulent parliamentary elections.

The Republican Party although conceded defeat in the polls, it said it would not have happened in case of free and fair elections. It also acknowledged that the party failed to properly deliver message to the votes.

Speaking at a news conference on May 22 Usupashvili called on the other opposition parties to cooperate in order “to find ways to fight against usurper authorities.”

“It will be very tough path, but we should pass through this path without responding violence with violence,” he said. “We have consultations with the opposition party leaders, with representatives of the united opposition – we will meet again today – and we will find the way out of this crisis.”

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