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Protesters Against Cash Registers

Several hundred of people gathered outside the Parliament on February 28 to protest against the law obligating sellers to equip their stores in outdoor markets with cash registers. The protest rally is organized by the opposition Labor Party.

The law adopted by the Parliament in December, 2005 envisages GEL 500 (USD 278) fine for those sellers who will not use cash registers starting from March 1, 2006.

According to the Finance Ministry the law became necessary in order to make registry of revenues and income of sellers transparent and available for the tax inspection.

But sellers from the outdoor markets say that purchase of cash registers with the average price of USD 100-150 will hit their budget.

The opposition Democratic Front parliamentary faction proposed on February 27 to postpone enforcement of the law at least for one month.

But Economy Minister Lexo Alexishvili said that he has already agreed with the owners of markets that they will purchase cash registers and then individual sellers will be able to buy them on credit within next six, or twelve months.


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