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National Security Concept Finalized

Authorities in Tbilisi have prepared a draft document on Georgia’s National Security Concept, which has already been submitted to the Parliament for consideration.

This draft document outlines the country’s fundamental national values; national interests; threats; challenges; major directions of Georgia’s national security policy; and foreign policy priorities. The document was developed by a special commission, chaired by President Saakashvili.

Fundamental National Values of Georgia

The draft concept of the national security sets sovereignty, security, peace, democracy, rule of law, human rights and welfare as Georgia’s fundamental national values. These values are a “vital necessity for the existence and security” of the Georgian state, according to this document.

This part of the draft stresses that in the process of resolving disputes Georgia will resort to peaceful means which are recognized by international law and principles. 

Georgia’s National Interests

This part of the document sets Georgia’s national interests as follows: territorial integrity; national unity; regional stability; strengthening of liberty and democracy in neighboring countries and in the region; strengthening of Georgia’s transport and transit capabilities and ensuring alternative sources of energy; ecological security; and ensuring the country’s national and cultural identity.

According to the document the country’s territorial integrity represents a “vital national interest” for Georgia. “Georgia will resort to any available legal mean to peacefully and legally resolve all those issues which might emerge in the process of restoring constitutional order on Georgia’s territory,” the draft document reads.

The document says that Georgia ensures the “interests, rights and liberty of all ethnic and religious minorities living in Georgia.”

In respect to regional security, the document reads that developments in the Black Sea and Caucasus regions, as well as developments in Russia, are of special importance for Georgia.

Georgia “welcomes and fosters” the strengthening of democracy, liberty and civil society in the region and in neighboring countries, according to the draft document.


The fourth chapter of the document deals with those threats which might undermine the country’s fundamental national values and interests. According to this draft document the list of existing and potential threats is as follows: territorial disintegration; spillover of conflicts from neighboring countries; military intervention; Russian military bases stationed in Georgia; contraband and transnational organized crime; international terrorism.

The document reads that separatist regions represent a major threat to Georgia’s national security. Separatists movements and uncontrolled territories, which “were supported and provoked from outside forces,” undermine the country’s political, economic and social stability and represent a source of terrorism, international organized crime and smuggling, according to the draft document.

A threat of “spillover of conflicts from neighboring countries” mainly refers to the ongoing conflict in Russia’s Chechen Republic. “The conflicts [in neighboring countries] might trigger provocations from the Russian Federation, which we have already witnessed in regards to Pankisi gorge,” the draft document reads.
The document says that there is “little possibility of open military aggression against Georgia,” but the threat of cross-border hostilities from state and non-state actors is “real.”
According to the document the presence of Russian military bases in the country violates Georgia’s sovereignty and “undermines [Georgia’s] economic and social stability.”
International terrorism is regarded as “a significant threat to the country’s national security.”

“As an active member of the anti-terrorist coalition, Georgia can become a target of international terrorism acts.”
In a separate chapter the documents outlines those challenges which the country’s national security faces. These challenges are: corruption and ineffective governance; economic and social challenges; dependence on one source of energy supply; information policy; and ecological challenges.
In respect to energy supply challenges, the document reads that dependence on Russia makes Georgia vulnerable to foreign pressure.
The document specifies that the absence of an effective system for the protection of classified documentation and the non-existence of a state information policy represents “a serious challenge” for Georgia’s national security.
Major Directions of Georgia’s National Security Policy
This part of the document outlines those policy priorities which aim at the protection of fundamental national values and the eradication of challenges and threats. These policy priorities include: the strengthening of democratic institutions and effective governance; strengthening of defense capabilities; restoration of territorial integrity; Euro-Atlantic integration; strengthening of foreign policy ties; economic security policy; social security policy; information security policy; energy security policy; ecological security; and protection of cultural heritage.
In respect to the strengthening of democratic institutions, the document reads that the Georgian state provides “adequate conditions for the development of the non-governmental sector and mass media.” The document also reads that the creation of strong local governance and self-governance is of “special importance.”
In respect of defense capabilities, the document reads: “Georgia is carrying out large-scale defense reforms” in an attempt to create an armed forces compatible with NATO standards, capable of overcoming the threats and challenges which the country’s national security faces.
“The Georgian armed forces can also be capable of providing assistance to the civilian authorities in the event of a crisis, or emergency situation, as well as participation in anti-terrorism organizations and international peace support operations,” the draft document reads.
According to this document, the Georgian authorities are committed to taking all necessary steps aimed at a peaceful resolutions of the South Ossetian and Abkhaz conflicts, based on the principle of wide regional autonomy.
Georgia’s National Security Concept draft also takes into consideration the Georgian government’s proposal over South Ossetia and considers this proposal a major document for resolving this conflict.
In regards to Abkhazia, the National Security Concept regards the so called ‘Boden Document’ on distribution of competences between Sokhumi and Tbilisi as “a frame” for resolving this conflict.
In this part – the Major Directions of Georgia’s National Security Policy – the document outlines Georgia’s foreign policy priorities in respect to individual countries as follows: a “strategic partnership” with the United States, Ukraine, Turkey and Azerbaijan; a “partnership” with Russia and a “pragmatic cooperation” with Armenia.
The United States – “Georgia continues its strategic partnership with the Unites States,” the draft document reads and praises the political, military and economic assistance the U.S. has provided to Georgia in the past decade.
Ukraine – “A new era of bilateral relations” have been launched between Georgia and Ukraine, described as a “strategic partner,” after Georgia’s ‘Rose’ and Ukraine’s ‘Orange’ Revolutions, according to the draft document.
Turkey – is Georgia’s “leading regional partner.” Relations with Turkey are described as a “strategic partnership,” according to the document.
Russia – “Georgia aspires for a cooperation with Russia which is based on principles of neighborly relations, equal rights and mutual respect,” the document reads.
Azerbaijan – Joint energy, transport and communication projects has fostered the creation of a strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and Georgia.
Armenia – “Georgia has pragmatic cooperation with Armenia in all fields which are of mutual interest,” the document reads.
The draft Concept of Georgian National Security also metnions the GUAM (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova) in the context of cooperation within the Black Sea region.


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