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Zourabichvili Comments on U.S. Terrorism Country Report on Georgia

Georgian Foreign Minister Salome Zourabichvili said at a news conference on April 28, while commenting on the part of the U.S. Country Report on Terrorism for 2004 which refers to Georgia, that the report is ?acceptable? for Tbilisi and that assessments on Georgia in the report ?have improved significantly.?

The U.S. Department of State?s Country Report on Terrorism says that the Georgian government remained deeply committed to combating international and domestic terrorism during 2004, ?however Georgia is still used to a limited degree as a terrorist transit state, although much less so since the government crackdown on the Pankisi Gorge in late 2002.?

Georgian Parliamentary Chairperson Nino Burjanadze said on April 28, while commenting on this report, that she does not consider it ?alarming.?


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