Georgia Denies Presence of Terrorists in Pankisi
The Georgian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on January 17 in response to Russia?s allegations that Chechen rebels and terrorist groups are still hiding in the Pankisi gorge, describing these accusations as ?irresponsible.?
The Russian Embassy in Georgia issued a statement on January 17 noting that a ?terrorism threat coming from Georgia,? particularly Pankisi gorge, ?is still maintained and represents a serous challenge for the security of Russia, as well as for Georgia.?
?The Georgian Foreign Ministry reiterates that there are not terrorists, or group of terrorists on Georgian soil and expresses its readiness, once again, to organize a joint monitoring of the gorge any time,? reads the statement issued by the Georgian Foreign Ministry.
?However, reports like this coming from the Russian Federation, which is already the third instance of this in the past week, triggers reasonable doubts that Russia is engaged in creating an alibi for, firstly, carrying out of pre-emptive strikes and, secondly, for justification of this step,? the Georgian Foreign Ministry states.
Russian Defense Minister Sergey Ivanov said on January 13 that Russia is ready to hit pre-emptively terrorist bases outside the Russian territory.
The Georgian Foreign Ministry emphasized that accusations and threats by the Russian Federation to use force coincided with the suspension of the OSCE border monitoring operation at the Russo-Georgian border, after the Russian side vetoed a prolongation of the border operation?s mandate.
?The Georgian Foreign Ministry states that it is of vital importance for Georgia presence of international observers on the Chechen, Ingush and Daghestani sections of the Georgian-Russian border,? the statement reads.